Waazakone – It glows, gives off light

@nacdi.mn put out a call for 10 artists to participate in a mask making drive for Minneapolis area organizations in need. We were asked to make 40 masks. 39 of those being standard use homemade masks and 1 artistic presentation for use in a gallery exhibit at @allmyrelationsarts .

It has all of the things that I love to create with and of course tin cones to rep that Mille Lacs jingle dress love.


I LOVE my lone gray hair stealing the show. 🤣🥰 I had so much fun making this mask. Miigwech to those organizations for selecting me for this truly healing experience and the opportunity to sew for a great cause.

Mask Photography Credit: Jaida Grey Eagle

#nativeart #nativeartist #covid19 #covidart #pandemicart #powwow #beadwork #jingledress #nativeamerican #maskmaker #mask #nativearts #indigenousart #indigenousmaker #indigenousartist #coronaartmuseum

#2021mlbophotocontest @mlbnonremovable